Stirling Community Theatre
A Colourful History
The Stirling Community Theatre in the beautiful Adelaide Hills, is home to our thriving amateur dramatic group, Stirling Players, who, in 2022, celebrated 50 years of bringing quality drama to SA audiences.
The building, originally known as the Stirling Institute, has a colourful history. On Saturday 8 May 1884 a musical and literary evening was held in the hall of the Institute, marking its first use as an arts/theatre venue. Continued use for this purpose was somewhat sporadic after that, until 1972, when a group of dedicated people lobbied for the formation of a Hills Drama Group later to be known as The Stirling Players
The Stirling Institute was originally built to provide a central gathering place for the community’s use. Gradually extra rooms were added to the main hall, including two front rooms on the ground floor in 1885. A stage area was also added plus two rooms upstairs. By 1898 the building was deemed complete. The room on the left as one entered the front door was the Stirling Council Office and the room to the right was the Stirling Library. The two upstairs rooms were used by the Council, the larger one particularly as a meeting room: – for the Council, the Lodge on Friday nights and the Anglican Church services on Sundays.
The shelter with a curved iron roof at the front of the building was a later addition by the Council in the 1980s. Many considered this addition to be very much out of character with the rest of the building, and its erection was vehemently opposed by members of the building management committee at the time. However it remains as a ‘land mark’ sheltered entrance to the building.
The main hall (auditorium) was an important early social gathering place for locals. Silent movies were accompanied by Mrs Hart playing appropriate mood music on the piano. And, after these films, (and later also after the early ‘talkies’), had finished, the seats were relocated around the edge of the hall to provide space for dancing. Specific dance events were also held; - the Stirling Hospital Ball being an annual event.
In 1934 a new Bio-Box (lighting/technical box) was built due to the demand for movies and for the safety of the projectionists. In 1962, the Institute Library finally closed and was re-located. And in 1978, the showing of movies finally stopped due to dwindling audience numbers.
As more people became car owners, they were able to travel further afield for their entertainment and amusement, and this factor, plus the advent of television, resulted in less and less patrons attending the various functions held in the building
As use declined, demolition of the building was mooted. But in 1972, in response to a passionate plea by a dedicated group of locals to inject new life into the building to maintain its status as a community centre, the building was preserved, and this paved the way for the formation of a resident drama group (the Stirling Players), a musical group (the Hills Musical Company) and later, classes for young budding actors (the Hills Youth Theatre).
In an effort to promote the building as a community arts hub, the name was changed from the Stirling Institute to the Stirling Community Centre and later, to more truly reflect the building’s usage, was again changed to its current name: - the Stirling Community Theatre.
In 1972, for the two resident groups, The Stirling Players and the Hills Musical Company, facilities were, to say the least, primitive by today’s standards. There was no heating in the theatre, no dressing rooms, no toilets and no orchestra pit. Seating was of the traditional country hall type:- groups of three fold-up wooden chairs, arranged in rows on the flat wooden floor. These were soon replaced by what seemed at the time, luxurious padded seats which were purchased from the theatre at the Marion Shopping Centre when it closed down.
As the reputation of the two companies grew, audience numbers increased and seasons were lengthened. All profits were returned to the theatre via the management committee. And gradually facilities were improved and upgraded.
An apron was added to the front of the stage and an orchestra pit dug. Orchestra members for early productions simply sat in front of the stage on the auditorium floor, separated from the audience by a hastily erected black curtain. Lighting and sound for the first few productions were controlled from the stage wings, until these operations were moved into the projection box (Bio-box), located above the doors to the auditorium.
For the casts of early productions, the lack of dressing rooms was a major problem. Firstly, stage-side wing space was used, but the area proved to be too small and too dark. For a few shows, the space under the stage was used but here the problems were two-fold; - tall people could not stand upright and after rain, the floor was under water! The green shed behind the theatre was trialled too, but being built of unlined tin was very cold in winter. Eventually, the large upstairs ‘meeting’ room space was considered the most comfortable, even though it was not the most convenient. Location for stage entrances involved a steep stairs descent and stage access from outside the building. This large room currently continues to be used successfully for ballet classes.
The other major problem for both cast members and audiences was the lack of toilet facilities. However, as profits accumulated, it became possible to add dressing room facilities and toilets. The foyer area was opened up as well, and carpet laid in both the foyer and auditorium. Efficient gas heating made the auditorium a much more comfortable area during winter, and the later addition of reverse cycle air-conditioning allowed cooling and comfort during the hot summer days.
The Dyster Room (named after the original founding member of the Stirling Players) was added in 1988 to make it much easier for storage of props and ‘set’ items during productions. It also allowed ‘covered’ access to side stage, a blessed relief, especially for winter performances!
Further building Improvements have continued over the last 50 years, financed by production profits from the ‘resident’ drama, musical and youth theatre groups. Brand new seating and carpet has been recently installed, a large commercial fridge now graces the Front of House area, and negotiations are in train to replace the aging heating/cooling system; all showcasing a proud legacy of energetic voluntary involvement by many people over many years.