Call for submissions

There are no current calls for submissions.

All plays to be produced by Stirling Players must have the prior approval of the Management Committee. 

Submissions Process

a) The Committee will either:

  • through an open advertised formal invitation process, invite potential directors to submit no more than two plays of their choice for consideration; or

  • invite directors to direct a play chosen by the Committee.

b) When calling for submissions, the Committee may specify the genre or type of plays for a particular season e.g. comedy, drama, Australian, SA or Australian premiere, or any specific genre.

c) Submissions will be called no later than 31st March for plays to be produced in the following year. 

d) Advertising for submissions can be made by any means, but must include Stirling Players Adelaide, TASA and ATG websites, Facebook and Instagram.

e) The selection of the plays and/or director will, in the first instance, be managed by the Production Sub-committee.